Students must meet all eligibility requirements described here to be considered for any Title IV federal financial aid programs and need-based aid assistance from Wytheville Community College.
High School Diploma
To be eligible for aid, students must have a high school diploma or GED.
Approved Degree Program
Undergraduate students must be in an approved degree or certificate-seeking program to be eligible for any financial aid. An eligible academic program is one that consists of a minimum of 16-credit hours.
Enrollment Status
Students must register for at least twelve credit hours each semester in order to receive the full financial aid award package. Students who register on a part-time basis will have their financial aid award reduced proportionally to remain in compliance with federal regulations and institutional policies. Financial aid can only cover classes that are required for a student's program of study. Classes outside a student's program must be paid for out-of-pocket and their finanical aid will be pro-rated based on enrollment if FA elgiblible courses.
Citizenship Status
Students must be United States citizens or registered permanent residents in order to be eligible for federal, state, and institutional financial assistance.
Valid Social Security Number
Students must have a valid Social Security number to receive financial aid. Exceptions to this rule are students from the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, or the Republic of Palau.
Selective Service
Male students between the ages of 18 and 25 must be registered with Selective Service to be eligible for financial aid.
Default or Owe Refund
To be eligible for financial assistance, students must not be in default on a Federal Perkins Loan, Stafford Student Loan, Supplemental Loan for Students, or any Ford Direct Loan, nor owe any refund on a Federal Pell Grant or Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant previously awarded at any post-secondary institution.
Students will not be considered for financial aid if they owe another VCCS school over $500.00. Once the debt has been cleared, students can be considered for financial aid.
Drug Conviction
A law suspends federal student aid eligibility for students convicted under federal or state law for possession of or sale of illegal drugs (not including alcohol or tobacco). If you have been convicted in the past, this does not automatically mean that you are ineligible for federal student aid.
Satisfactory Academic Progress
Students are considered to have made satisfactory progress for federal and institutional assistance if the following standards are met: Financial Aid Policy of Satisfactory Academic Progress, Effective Fall 2011.
Return of Funds Policy
Please review the following link for the return of funds policy: